Description: This FREE presentation will focus on the basics of biology and human reproduction through the lens of our Catholic faith. Our children are being inundated with information from all sides, leading them to search the internet for answers that are often misleading and
As parents, you have a prime opportunity and responsibility to speak with your children about sex and intimacy, but it often feels overwhelming. Focusing on both the science and the theology, this presentation will give you a greater understanding of the gift of sex, of
the responsibility sex demands, and of the serious side-effects of hormonal contraceptive use in
an adolescent population.
Topics Covered:
Fertility basics for both men and women
Foundational points for Theology of the Body
The reality of pornography and sexting that our young people face every day
Resources that can help parents navigate these conversations
Discussion of the even greater need for parents to have these conversations as well as an invitation to prayer surrounding these topics