Table of Contents
1. Our Mission
2 Criteria for an Effective Religious Education Program
3. Child Protection Lessons
4. Safety for Our Students
5. Attendance
6. Behavior
7. Dress Code
8. Summary of Sacramental Guidelines
1. Our Mission
As catechist, we realize that the primary responsibility of religious education is with the parents
and godparents of our students. Our mission is to support parents in that endeavor and to
supplement their teaching with catechesis that teaches students about the Catholic Church and
Christian living. We seek to accomplish this mission through an articulated curriculum using
materials approved by the Church and by example.
2. Criteria for an Effective Religious Education Program
Our goal is to meet the standards set by the Diocese of Baton Rouge for an effective religious
education program. These criteria are reviewed annually to help us set specific objectives for the
6. Behavior
Tardiness -Excessive tardiness (three or more incidents) will constitute an absence. Parents
will be notified if a student is repeatedly tardy.
A Elementary student having more than five absences(20%) may be asked to repeat a grade or
may not be allowed to participate in the Sacrament of First Reconciliation, First Communion, or
Confirmation Arrangements may be made for special circumstances.
Our catechists are volunteers who have committed themselves to our parish children. It is important that the children show proper respect and appreciation for this gift of time and talent and reverence to the presence of God in Church. Please work with us in establishing an atmosphere of respect for both teachers and students and proper behavior in the church.
If a student is disrupting a class or shows disrespect to a teacher or another student, he/ she will be sent to the DRE for counseling and a “time out”. A letter of apology is required to go back to class.
On the second time - the parents will be notified of the behavior and asked for assistance.
Parents will be asked to come to class with their child until problem is resolved.
On the 3nd time - student and parent will meet with the Pastor.
Parents will be called to pick up the student. It may be necessary at this time to evaluate the situation and make a decision on future attendance.
It is never our choice to exclude a student from the religious education program. However,
expulsion may be the consequence if a student is not willing to participate actively and appropriately in the classroom. This expulsion may be permanent or temporary depending on the circumstances. Parents will be informed immediately of any problem serious enough to warrant such action.
7. Dress Code
Humility is the proper attitude toward greatness, and modesty is humility of the body. The standard of dress for SJB members is high. Members of SJB are committed to dress as chaste young men and women. Clothing should be in good taste and appropriate for all Church activities.
8. Summary of Sacramental Guideline - Diocese of Baton Rouge General
First Eucharist